Aus- & Weiterbildung

Wir erheben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Fehlende Aus- und Weiterbildungen können gerne per Mail an eingereicht werden.

  • Design Ops Summit

    DesignOps is a human-centered approach to building stronger design teams that support the orchestration of individuals, processes and tools to amplify creativity and impact at scale.

  • Leading Design

    Leading Design brings together experts who lead design teams, oversee design direction and instil a culture of design within their organisations. Come and join our growing community of design leaders for inspiring talks, hands-on workshops, superb parties and excellent socials. Being a design leader can be as challenging as it is rewarding, Leading Design will give you opportunity to connect with your peers, swap war stories, and build relationships to last the rest of your careers.

  • UX Camp Europe

    We are one the of the largest BarCamps for User Experience Professionals with 500+ active participants from all over the world and meet in Berlin once a year.

    The event is held since 2009, planned by a team of local UX enthusiasts and run during the weekend by all our participants.

  • UX Strat

    UX STRAT's mission is to help experienced designers, researchers, and product professionals reach the highest potential in their skills, their companies, and their careers. Beginning in 2013, we have been shining a spotlight on people doing outstanding work in design strategy and innovation, in beautiful locations that foster learning, getting inspired, and connecting with experienced peers.

  • World Usability Congress

    The World Usability Congress is the global leading UX expert & strategy conference. We invite over 50 speakers from different industries to share their real-world UX challenges and collaborate with our attendees in multi-disciplinary workshops.

  • World Usability Day

    World Usability Day is single day of events occurring around the world that brings together communities of  professional, industrial, educational, citizen, and government groups for our common objective: to ensure that the services and products  important to life are easier to access and simpler to use.
