Ramiro Cotarelo Senior UX Consultant // User Researcher adesso , Frankfurt am Main Branche: IT Beratung Anschrift adesso Herriotstraße 1, 60528 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland Kontakt E-Mail ramiro.cotarelo@adesso.de Web https://adesso.talentry.com/share/job/185466/529575/1705396126/3 Soziale Netzwerke https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramiro-cotarelo-350015199?utm_source=share&utm_camp… Infos Skills UX Consultant / UXR User Research Usability ist für mich The interpretation of ISO 9241 in the context of project-based resources and teams. Like any human factor in technology, it is based on the circumstantial and diverse facets of human interaction within a society. Warum ich der G|UPA beigetreten bin adesso loves UX