Übersicht aller UX und Usability Events

Hier findest du Veranstaltungen rund um die Themen Usability und User Experience. Die von der German UPA veranstalteten Events sind gekennzeichnet.

Du kennst eine Veranstaltung, die hier fehlt? Schreib eine E-Mail an info@germanupa.de.


Oktober 2024

  • Mi23

    Design Matters 2024

    København, Dänemark und online

    Design Matters is a Copenhagen-based conference on digital design – made for designers, by designers.

  • Mo28

    SmashingConf – Desgin & UX

    Antwerpen, Belgien und online

    Meet SmashingConf Antwerp 🇧🇪 — our conference on design & UX, for designers and UI engineers who love the web. On usability, design systems, product design and UX challenges. Boost your design skills, the smashing way.

  • Fr01

    Web Summit 2024

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Web Summit will bring 70,000+ people together with the companies redefining the tech industry.

November 2024

  • Mi06

    Leading Design London 2024

    London, Vereinigtes Königreich

    Leading Design is a two day gathering of design leaders from around the globe. It is curated and hosted by design transformation consultancy Clearleft.

  • Do07

    beyond tellerrand


    Here we are. Our Berlin edition no. 9 after we started here in 2014. Join us for another dose of technology, creativity and the Web on two days on November 7 and 8, 2024. beyond tellerrand is the event, where design and technology meet!

  • Do07

    beyond tellerrand 2024


    14 years of beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf. Come in and join on 13 and 14 May 2024 for exciting two days. Sharing ideas, exchange with like-minded people about creativity, technology and anything Web. beyond tellerrand is the event, where design and code meet.

  • Do07

    PUSH UX 2024


    2 conference days - 600+ UX friends

  • Mi13

    Digitale Leute Summit 2024


    Germany’s leading conference at the intersection of Engineering, UX/Design & Product

  • Do14

    World Usability Day 2024

    Vor Ort und online

    Werde ein Teil der Community und feiere mit uns den 20. World Usability Day am 14. November 2024 an zahlreichen Standorten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.